author lani kingston on a blue background

Hi there!

I create content, write books, run events, and help food, beverage, & travel businesses build and grow.

I’ve published best-selling coffee books in 13 languages; helped set up and subsequently managed MAST Chocolate’s bean-to-bar chocolate factory in London; headed a cooking school run with ‘food waste’ in Australia; worked as one of Chef Dan Barber’s senior managers at Blue Hill at Stone Barns; judged food and coffee for the UK’s prestigious Great Taste Awards; set up brands and retail stores in Singapore; written culinary articles for magazines and newspapers; and researched food production and preparation all around the world.

Today, I help existing and aspirational business owners with development, strategy, and implementation through my agency, Four Seasons of Food. I create food & travel content, and design events, through my creative agency, Perigee Studio.

I design and direct educational programming for Coffee Fest; teach coffee history at Portland State University; and continue to write and create books and content focusing on food history & culture, travel, and coffee.

Content & Events

Perigee Studio is a creative agency based in Portland, Oregon. Alongside renowned wine, product, & outdoors photographer, Cody Onthank, I design events and create content for the food, beverage, and travel industries.

Want help with your business or project?

Business and product development, strategy, buildouts, operational management – if you have a food, beverage, or travel project, I can help.

What’s new?

All my latest articles, projects, events, recipes, trips, classes, and books can be found on my Substack. Subscribe today!

cover of spill the beans book by lani kingston


Spill the Beans: Global Coffee Culture and Recipes

Now in 4 languages!


Designing Coffee: New Coffee Places and Branding

Now in 3 languages!


  • On the Road: A Swedish Midsummer.

    On the Road: A Swedish Midsummer.

    After a weekend in Stockholm, my friend Stina and I jumped in the car to drive out to the countryside. We were headed for Örebro, Stina’s university town, and the countryside surrounding it. We were to spend Midsommar by Lake Hjälmaren, Sweden’s fourth-largest lake. On our way, we stopped in at Sigtuna, Sweden’s first town…

  • On the Road: A Winery From the Middle Ages and Sustainable Living in Freiburg, Germany.

    On the Road: A Winery From the Middle Ages and Sustainable Living in Freiburg, Germany.

    Home of the famous Freiburg Minster, a beautiful cathedral built in the 1200s, and the only Gothic cathedral completed in the Middle Ages to survive the bombing in the 1940s. A number of houses around the cathedral were wiped out in the raids in 1944, but the clever church staff had removed all of the…

  • A Kinfolk Magazine Gathering: L’Esprit de la mer.

    A Kinfolk Magazine Gathering: L’Esprit de la mer.

    Kinfolk is all about sharing, living, eating, talking, and discussing. Did you know they began as communities of ‘gatherings’: long table meals held across a number of different countries around the world? This spawned the magazine, and they’ve continued the gatherings – themed around their upcoming issues. It is always a small gathering, and they…

  • On the Road: Pork and sage three ways in Lincolnshire, England.

    On the Road: Pork and sage three ways in Lincolnshire, England.

    London was getting to me. I was writing my book, How to Make Coffee, while living out of Airbnbs and from the tables and counters of various cafes and bars. London was so.. distracting, and expensive. I’d looked around for a little studio I could rent in the countryside – it didn’t matter where – and…
